
Publication via Aziza Publishing is a perfect choice for the author looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program that leverages the expertise of publishing professionals. This is not a self-publishing firm. What it is however, is a very personal and first class approach to publishing and marketing.
Our professionals edit, proofread, create original cover art, implement limited, defined promotional campaigns, and take and fulfill book orders for your book from brick and mortar and on-line stores in addition to our on-line bookstore.

Since consumption of books in a digital format is a rapidly growing book distribution market, Aziza Publishing titles are also available to consumers in digital formats as well as traditionally printed. These formats would be suitable for reading on e-book readers such as the Amazon Kindle, the Sony Reader, the iPhone and other cellular smart phones, personal computers, laptops, personal digital assistants and other electronic reading devices.

After your work is made available in print and e-book form we perform a defined book promotion campaign as part of our comprehensive publishing package.  Today, the book promotion that we perform for our authors embraces the shift to digital marketing and includes digital press kits, on-line news releases, search engine marketing and much more.

To be considered for a publishing contract with Aziza Publishing, please submit your formatted manuscript with cover letter to