
Book Releases

February 2011:
"Women R Stupid & Men R The Reason"
by author Steven Barthell

Steven A. Barthell  has been making a name for himself with his web show Stevens Thought of the Moment brought to you by NbucketTV on YouTube. Steven gives samples of his debut book "Women R Stupid N Men R the Reason" and also his thoughts on the activities going on throughout todays society. Periodically he has guests from the local community which includes: music artist, fashion designers, models, promoters and other positive figures in the Boston area.

While trying to put a positive stamp on this world Steven enjoys keeping Boston on its toes with his quirky yet inspirational quotes on a daily basis. He is also the host of Boston's newest show "Shine" shown on BNN Channel 23.

Steven takes pride in growing from his past situations and wanted to share his trials & tribulations in his debut book "Women R Stupid N Men R the Reason" Steven resides in Boston, MA where he was born but isnt ashamed of telling everyone what city he represents the good old 305 Miami, FL where he was raised.

Steven is advocate for healthy relationships & bringing the old school mentality back into our society.

Find Steven Here:

Twitter: @steve305koncept
March 2011:
"Ebony the Beloved"
by author Hannah Spivey

Ebony is a black girl who has been condemned and rejected by her parents and peers. Like many others, she struggles with the adversaries of being impoverished and accepted for who is she is; moreover, she’s having difficulties  with accepting herself. That is until she finds love and acceptance from one of the faculty members at her school.
From that point on, things began to brighten up for her until she meets one of the most influential public figures who has sadistic and sexually devious desires. Will she be able to break the cycle of abuse, self hatred, and despair? This riveting novel has twists and turns that’ll have your jaw dropping.
H.D. Spivey is an up and coming novelist who is presently working on her second novel and she currently resides in South Florida.
Find Hannah Here: @Bossladywriter
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